Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day-
August 19, 2020
Uncontrollable events in our lives often come without warning. We don’t get a notice in the mail or a reminder on our phone. How we handle such situations depends impart on the magnitude of the uncertainty as well as our faith, character and personality. When the unexpected arrives, we need to remember that nothing takes our God by surprise. Possessing a patient spirit, know that our heavenly Father is victorious at all times, will help us to “let go and let God”.
Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Personal Challenge
Day 9-

My 27 fling thing today happened in my sewing room. In effort to reduce the over abundance of fabric in my sewing room, I spent some time being selective about what types of fabrics that I truly do not need.  

I make chemo caps, lap robes, walker pockets and surgery pillows for the Baptist Hospital so cottons and knits are all that I actually need to keep in my reserve.  

Anything else I can pass along to others.  In my supply I  found large pieces of velvet, terry, felt and thermal knits.  If you can use any of these, please let me know.  I have purged well over 20 yards of fabric today.

I am finding that the further that I go into my challenge, the easier it gets to let go of stuff.  

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