My personal Challenge
Day 10-
I thinned out my wardrobe back in March before going on vacation, so today's "27 FB" was a tad bit challenging. I still managed to come up with 27 items from my closet to get rid of. Most of us run on the 80/20 theory; in which 80 percent of the time we only wear 20 percent of our wardrobe. I know that this is true for myself. I probably won't even miss these pieces.
Today the things that I "flung" were: 1 bathing suit, 2 scarves, 1 wallet, 2 skirts, 1 tote bag, 2 pairs of shoes, 1 sweater, 1 pair of pants, 2 necklaces, 11 tops, 1 dress and 1 pendant and bracelet.
The items that I gathered from days 1-9 were donated today to the Junior League Repeat Boutique. This helps their inventory and it keeps me from being tempted to reclaim any of these things. Gracie, the manager, was thrilled to receive my donation!
Thought for the Day
Thought for the Day-
August 19, 2020
Uncontrollable events in our lives often come without warning. We don’t get a notice in the mail or a reminder on our phone. How we handle such situations depends impart on the magnitude of the uncertainty as well as our faith, character and personality. When the unexpected arrives, we need to remember that nothing takes our God by surprise. Possessing a patient spirit, know that our heavenly Father is victorious at all times, will help us to “let go and let God”.
Have a blessed day!
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