Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day-
August 19, 2020
Uncontrollable events in our lives often come without warning. We don’t get a notice in the mail or a reminder on our phone. How we handle such situations depends impart on the magnitude of the uncertainty as well as our faith, character and personality. When the unexpected arrives, we need to remember that nothing takes our God by surprise. Possessing a patient spirit, know that our heavenly Father is victorious at all times, will help us to “let go and let God”.
Have a blessed day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

                Some days when I am at home I like to fix a great big salad for lunch.  Somehow it seems to make me feel better about the snacking that I do before hand and the chocolate that tends to come after.  It's all about balance, right?  Truly though, I enjoy everything about making a salad.  I love the mix of colors and textures as well as the variety of vitamins that I know that I am getting. I try to make sure that I add in some dark green leafy lettuces, such as spinach, because they are packed full of antioxidants. I usually like to top my salad off with some low-fat cottage cheese and light Italian dressing. Something this pleasing to the eye has to be pleasing to the tummy!

1 comment:

  1. That looks delish! (and we can tell you're a southern gal by your pickled(?) okra on the plate :-)
