Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day-
August 19, 2020
Uncontrollable events in our lives often come without warning. We don’t get a notice in the mail or a reminder on our phone. How we handle such situations depends impart on the magnitude of the uncertainty as well as our faith, character and personality. When the unexpected arrives, we need to remember that nothing takes our God by surprise. Possessing a patient spirit, know that our heavenly Father is victorious at all times, will help us to “let go and let God”.
Have a blessed day!

Friday, March 31, 2017

Just in Time for Spring

It seems so fitting to post hydrangeas for my first post in quite some time. They are truly my favorive flower and I am pleased say that spring has finally arrived in our beautiful southern city!

These watercolor treasures were a Christmas gift from my sweet daughter.  I was thrilled to receive them, knowing just how busy she was. You see...

Sometime last fall my daughter, who is an architect by trade, decided to do a few watercolors for friends.  They were delightful renderings of homes, churches and other buildings of interest. The friends were so pleased with her work that she decided, via social media, to see if anyone else would be interested in having her do some paintings.  


To her surpise, she received over 100 orders!
People from all over wanted a personalized gift to give their family and friends for Christmas.  Needless to say, she was VERY busy. 

Wedding season is upon us and my daughter is taking orders for watercolors of bridal bouquets.  What a wonderful way to capture this beautiful part of your special day. You could also give this an invaluable wedding gift to someone special. Long after the flowers have faded, this beautiful watercolor will become a great piece of artwork for your home.  

If you are interested: 
Go to and search NatalieMeagleDesign

Happy Spring Everyone!