Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day-
August 19, 2020
Uncontrollable events in our lives often come without warning. We don’t get a notice in the mail or a reminder on our phone. How we handle such situations depends impart on the magnitude of the uncertainty as well as our faith, character and personality. When the unexpected arrives, we need to remember that nothing takes our God by surprise. Possessing a patient spirit, know that our heavenly Father is victorious at all times, will help us to “let go and let God”.
Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tops in Antiqua

Any artist knows that art doesn't have to be just something that you frame and hang on the wall.  Art can be found an arrangement of flowers, a door with an aged patina, a pleasing melody or a collection of beach glass, in this case, a collection of rusted beer caps.  This assortment of tops were found while tromping around in the streets of Anitgua last year.  My husband, who generally pokes fun at me for my pursuit of odd objects, soon was bending down exclaiming, "Here's one you don't have yet!"  Maybe he's beginning to learn about the "thrill of the hunt." I may not ever incorporate these treasured tops into any of my art work and that does not matter;  their delightful grouping is a "scrapbook" of memories for me.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Best Laid Plans

      I had planned on posting at least once a week on my blog so that I would stay current with the recording of my projects and plans, but one week after setting up my blog, I got side-lined.  My daughter, who is a senior in college, introduced me to Pinterest and I have been pinning instead of posting ever since.  It's a pretty crazy thing actually.  It's like having hundreds of magazines right at your fingertips with all your favorite recipes, sewing projects and home decorating and fashion ideas to view at the same time.  You just choose what you like and "pin" these pictures or plans on boards that you tailor to fit your personality. It can be most addicting!  I have collected many pins over the past several weeks, but I have decided to pull away from the scene for a little while and actually make some of the things that I have "hoarded" on my boards.  If Pinterest ( is new idea for you; I dare you to go there just once.  Don't blame if you get hooked!  You've been warned.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Charmer in Flight

We have two humming birds who charm us each morning.  Our cats, Ellie and Emery,  watch with curiosity from their  seats which are perched directly in front of the breakfast room window..  They think that the beautiful winged display is just for them, but we know its for us.   

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Welcome to My Little Corner of the Blogging World

There are so many thoughts and ideas that knock around in my head each day that it can be a bit overwhelming. I figured that if I had a spot where I could record some of these musings, then I would not have to try and tackle them all at once. It would be a visual check list of sorts in a journal type style. Each day I record spiritual inspirations, devotions and scripture, so journaling is not a foreign thing to me. Making art and reading are two things that I truly love to do, but there are so many projects and that I want to throw myself into that I cannot possibly remember them all. It is here in my newly established blog that I will keep track of my "things to do" as well as those finished undertakings. Come along with me..